September 2016

Ming Goes to School  |  Deirdre Sullivan

There are many books out there that are published with one thing in mind: Helping children adjust to their first school experience.  I was delighted when I found Ming Goes to School, as I have never found a better book to begin the school year – and I have read a lot of children’s picture books!

Ming Goes to School is not wordy; it does not need to be as the little sentences go right to the heart of what children need to know when they go to school for the first time. In her new school, Ming is curious; she builds and makes things, she pretends and delights in new experiences—all the stuff that envelops a child’s preschool life.  Ming also learns, when she first comes to school, to say hello and goodbye. I just loved that this simple concept is showcased in the story!  The icing on the cake here is the lovely watercolor illustrations. They are quiet, compelling and beautiful. 

If you are looking for a picture book which will comfort and reassure your children as they enter the world of preschool, this is the one. I cannot wait to share it with my first snack read of the 2016/2017 school year.

2016Cobble Hill Playschool