September 2017
Dan Yaccarino
Morris Mole lived under the ground, as most moles do, with his very big, big brothers. Morris is little and a bit different but as Morris says, “I may be small, but I can do big things.”
When the family runs out of food it is time for Morris to step up; he comes up with a clever idea. Instead of digging down like most moles do, he decides to dig up. When he does this, he finds a beautiful bright world he never knew existed. In his efforts to find enough food for all, he finds something unexpected: A hungry fox! Lucky for Morris, he is quite clever and he figures out how to save himself and bring delicious food to his hungry family. His brothers are very pleased. So is Morris because he knows, “I may be small but I can do big things.”
I think this message is just wonderful for small children who may also feel like they are always surrounded by folks who are so much bigger than they are. Morris had a problem and he figured it out. His size did not stop him.
The illustrations by author/illustrator Dan Yaccarino are sweet and captivatingDan has illustrated and/or written over forty children’s books and designed the characters for The Backyardigans.
I am proud to share that Dan Yaccarino will be our visiting author/illustrator for our annual Read-a-thon in March of 2018. Stay tuned for details!
To find out more about Dan Yaccarino, visit his Wikipedia page.