News & Views: September 18
Important Dates:
September 21: First day of attendance for MWF Twos (9:30am - 11:00am)
September 22: First day of attendance for T/Th Twos (9:30am - 11:00am)
September 28: No school, Yom Kippur
School News & Announcements
This section contains school-wide news applicable to each family.
What a fantastic first week of school for all of our Threes and Fours! After a summer of preparations, it is wonderful to have the children back in the classroom. Congrats to all on a healthy, safe, and joyful return to CHP!
Friday afternoon: The children have worked so hard this week getting to know school again (or for the first time!). Please plan on taking it easy this afternoon - this is a great opportunity for easy playground time or relaxing snuggles on the couch:)
Backpacks: We have determined that the benefit and convenience of having all of the children’s belongings in one place outweighs any health concerns we had about backpacks, so from now on backpacks are OK to have, and in fact are now preferred. You can stick their snack and water bottle inside, and the kids can wear them as they enter the school.
Remember to plan a few extra minutes for drop off and pick up times. We are all getting into the swing of things, but we are still taking our time arriving and leaving as we want to ensure it is a safe and comfortable process.
Notes From Our Classroom Teachers
This section includes weekly updates from our classroom teachers and arts specialists.
From Sarah, classroom teacher and behavior specialist: Thank you all for a wonderful first week of school and all of your hard work with saying goodbye. We say "work" because saying goodbye to the ones you love is very hard work, and can be so exhausting! Have you noticed your children especially wiped out after school? They're working all day as well! They're working to communicate, learn and follow along with many new routines and transitions, and forge bonds with new friends and teachers. They're working to resolve conflicts, negotiate for turns with materials, or perhaps simply to open up their lunch boxes! Being at school is hard work! Especially after what was for many children an extended time away from school and spent in close quarters with their loved ones.
Community Engagement
This section contains information about our school community, including information from our volunteer parent Board of Directors.
We hope you had a wonderful first week of school and/or stoop and playground visits! The Board will have its first meeting in about a week which typically covers orientation and welcoming new members. We also discuss any items that need our attention that may have come up during the normal course of gear up for the year and students being present in our building. Going forward, prior to our meetings we will send out our agenda and ask for any feedback or questions from the parent body. You are always welcome at any time to reach out to any of the board members, and our email addresses are published on the website. Be on the lookout for your parent job assignments which will be coming to your inboxes shortly. Thanks!
Events Around Town
This section contains information about events of interest in the neighborhood, relevant news articles, and information about public and private schools in our area.
For those of you with older children in public school, please note that in-person learning has been delayed. Children signed up for the hybrid model will return to the classroom in stages, starting with pre-K and working upwards by age. See here for more information.
Brooklyn Bridge Parents has a great list of free outdoor events for children and families in September and October. We hope to see you out and about!