News & Views: August 7, 2020

Important Dates:

  • August 11, 7:00 pm: Covid Q&A with Kristin via Zoom

  • September 10, 7:00 pm: New Parent Orientation via Zoom

  • September 14: First day of school / First day of phase in for Twos

School News & Announcements

This section contains school-wide news applicable to each family.

  • Registration paperwork is due!  If you have not already, please complete your registration paperwork in preparation for this year.  In addition to providing us with important contact information and medical forms, your paperwork helps us get to know your child, so we can plan appropriately for their arrival at CHP.  If you have any questions about how to access or fill in this paperwork, please email Stacy (

  • In addition to your registration paperwork, we ask that you please submit two photos of your child: one with his or her mask on and one with the mask off.  These photos will be used in the classroom to help us get to know each other.  Photos can be uploaded to this folder or submitted via email to Kristin (

Notes From Our Classroom Teachers

This section includes weekly updates from our classroom teachers and arts specialists.

  • Soon, our teachers will be sharing information here about happenings in the classroom.  In the meantime, we’ve been busy!  This summer, our teaching staff participated in a Bank Street School of Continuing Education workshop entitled “Play-based Curriculum in the Early Childhood Classroom.”  We have also read, as a staff, Wally’s Stories, by renowned early childhood educator Vivian Gussin Paley as well as White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo, a leader in the field of critical racial and social justice education.  We are proud to be a school that engages in continuous reflection about our practice, committed to the belief that education is a lifelong endeavor.

Community Engagement

This section contains information about our school community, including information from our volunteer parent Board of Directors.

  • Please join us for a Family Q&A with Kristin on Tuesday, August 11 at 7 pm via Zoom.  We will review updates to our plan for opening and parents will have the opportunity to ask questions.  

Events Around Town

This section contains information about events of interest in the neighborhood, relevant news articles, and information about public and private schools in our area.

  • For families with older children in NYC public school, please note that today is the last day to submit your preference for all-remote or hybrid learning.  

Duty Parents

This section will list our duty parents for the upcoming week when we are able to safely reinstitute this program. 

Cobble Hill Playschool