News & Views: August 28

 Important Dates:

  • September 1: Third tuition installment due

  • September 10, 7:00 pm: New Parent Orientation via Zoom

  • September 14: First day of school / First day of phase in for Twos

School News & Announcements

  • September 14th is right around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited!  Please visit our Parent Portal (password: together) for important information about starting school:

    • What to bring to school & what to wear for school:  This list provides the essentials for starting school.  Please ensure all items brought or worn to school are labeled with your child’s name.

    • Tips for Separation & Starting School:  While the beginning of school is an exciting time, it can also be an anxious one - for children and for parents.  We’ve attached some tips for separation as well as for starting school that provide concrete steps for setting up your child (and you!) for success.  

    • We will share our Family Contact List as well as teacher and group assignments next week.

  • At our upcoming Parent Orientation, we will address all aspects of our program and explain how things work here at CHP, so please get your questions ready.  In addition, we’ve added a CHP FAQ page to the Parent Portal (password: together).  This informative document will be updated regularly, so please check back frequently if you have questions.  

  • This year, our stroller storage space will be extremely limited.  If you can bring your stroller home with you, please plan to.  If your child can travel by scooter or by walking, please plan to.

  • Registration paperwork is due.  These important forms help us fully prepare for the arrival of your child.  If you have not already completed your registration paperwork, please do so now.  If you have any questions, contact Stacy at

Notes From Our Classroom Teachers

  • Teachers love labels!  Please help us help your children by labeling *all* items of clothing, lunchboxes, water bottles, shoes, and outwear your child brings to school.  Sharpies work well.  If you prefer sticky labels, Mabels Labels is a great resource for durable, machine-washable labels.  Shop here and select Support A Fundraiser:  Cobble Hill Playschool to send a portion of every purchase back to our school.

  • Please do not send your child to school with toys from home.  Particularly this year, we are trying to limit back-and-forth items in the classroom for health and safety reasons.  Also, it can be difficult for us to keep track of toys brought from home as our focus is always on the children; we don’t want school to become a place where toys are lost.  We have plenty of engaging materials at school!  

Community Engagement

  • Children and face masks:  Here is an article with some great tips about getting young children to wear masks.

  • Tuition Review Committee:  The CHP Board of Directors is looking for a team of five parents interested in serving on a committee tasked with reviewing CHP's tuition policy in the event of a Covid-related school closure.  We, as a board and in conjunction with executive staff, are working to develop the broad outlines for such a policy.  As a parent cooperative, we rely on the input of our community at large.  The commitment would involve periodic Zoom meetings and email communication at the mid-point of the school year and again at the end of the school year.  Work would center on developing the school's financial response to a prolonged closure. If interested, please get in touch with parent and Board Vice President Molly Rayo at

  • Mask on / Mask off Project:  Part of our work ensuring comfort with a return to school and wearing masks is our Mask On / Mask Off Project.  If you have not already, please submit two photos of your child: one wearing a mask and one without a mask.  You can upload photos here or email them to Kristin at  

Cobble Hill Playschool